Monday, January 25, 2010

Rothenberg: 58 Democratic seats in play

In the wake of Rep. Marion Berry (D-Ark.) opting not to run for reelection, pollster Stuart Rothenberg now puts 58 Democrat held House seats as competitive while the Republican seats remain at 14. This is excellent news, and I've been seeing some individual House race polls, including Indiana's 9th, in which former Congressman Mike Sodrel may defeat incumbent Baron Hill a second time in 2010, as he has a 9 point lead. Ohio's 1st looks excellent too with the excellent Steve Chabot leading liberal incumbnet Steve Driehaus by 17 points. Driehaus unseated Chabot in 2008 during the Obama wave. Republicans look like they will make significant gains in legislative representation in Tennessee and Arkansas. Even in the Northeast the GOP may take back some House seats. In Nevada, it looks like Harry Reid is not going to win reelection, Joe Biden's Senate seat will probably be overtaken by At-Large Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.), and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) stands a good chance of winning the Obama seat. Snarlin' Arlen Specter (D-Penn.) looks like he will get his comeuppance from conservative challenger Pat Toomey. Even the race for the Senate in California with Barbara Boxer is starting to look competitive. The GOP just might pull off a takeover of the House this year. They just might. The Senate is still almost impossible.

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